Friday 2 April 2010

The titles sequence

When doing the title sequences , as a group we decide to keep it simple. When we started the title sequence we had not finished filming so we did some experiments on what type of front we are going to use and what are we going to have for the background. We started with using Times New Roman which is normal and not over the top. We used some effects for the background so it can look like the film is full with things that audience want to see, constantly tension. But when doing this I was thinking that we should do something that relates to teenagers because the film is about a teenager girl at a house and a killer is coming to kill her because of the things her boyfriend has done. So it should have a background but a front that fitting in to the film. So we changed the front and the back ground, because the title is 3 seconds so we thought of taking out the background and making it snappy. After doing our experimenting on the front and the background, our filming was finished so we had to start in our titles but we did not know what to have for the title sequence . So when we did not have a glue on what to do , I opened a video from you , and opened the opening scene of se7en. When looking for a video , I though that se7en had amazing opening scene because of the layout. So after watching it we decide to have the title which said ‘A simple production presents’ finish. This type of title is all ways at the beginning of a film. Next we have the director which is Max Lee. Then we have the actors which are Hannah St Marie Jean and Onur Kent, we put the two actors together because them two are not poplar and it just two characters. Normally in a film , if the actor is poplar they put the name before the mean actor which plays the mean character because they are well known and people watch films because of the actors but because we do not have some thing like that in our film so we did not include it. In our next title sequence we have the music which is by Clara Osbourne and Sheree Barnes and then we have the editor which is me Sinem Kent. At the end, we have the title which is ‘ the duo’ right after the killer opens the door were the victim is and then it cuts. All the titles are on a plain background .

1 comment:

  1. As Sinem clearly stated, we as a group statred the title before our title sequence fotage was complete. We did this to make it easier for us when perpring to dot the actual titles for the final film. We experiment a lot; we wanted titles that use bold in your face but not over-welling. And because our audience we wanted to have titles that were modern and not plain and out dated. So we chose to sick with a simple black ground and have our eye catching titles playing on top. We chose the colour black for the background because we didn't want anything to distract audience. When chosing the effects we wanted something gritty, "snapp" and eery. We went through the list and the effect we chose was perfect. The effect gave Made the title sequence what it is and it help develop the scareness of the thriller. the effects of the titles give credit to the actual title sequence; because if it wasn't for the effect and the position of placement of the titles our titles personally wouldn't have been as successful as it is.
