Wednesday 21 April 2010

(3&4) Evaluation

Q3. Ways in which i would attempt to attract attention for my media product is by using the resources which are available to me. The first thing i would do is place it on Facebook and tag everyone i knew to it so that they could send it to there friends, this would allow me to have a large amount of people all in the same place which are interested in my film.
Our Film The Duo was shown at The Screen on the Green cinema in Islington Angel to audience of mixed ages. The experience having your film shown at a cinema was really exciting and interesting to see what other people will think of it.

Other formats that I could use is Youtube, this gives me access to a global audience allowing me to get my product out there so that I can attract people to it. There are internet sites that you can upload your videos for free like, this is another way in which people can view your film and tell you what they think. I could also send it to all my friends in an e-mail and the see if anyone was interested in the film.

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