5.Who would be the audience for your media product?
The thriller which we filmed is aimed at ages between 15 to 29, both female and male but because the film is about to couples I think that the audien

ces will mainly be females.
An example of an audience which will fit into our category is Yasemin Jacobs which is 16 years old. She has a older brother which moved out and she has a younger sister called Meryem. Yasemin is currently attending college and lives with her mother and step father. Yasemin waste most of her time studying and watching TV and films on the her computer. On the weekends

Yasemin goes out with her friends out or stays at home cleaning but after watching films on the internet. Yasemin goes to the cinema on Wednesdays which she uses orange Wednesdays to get her friend into the film as well. Yasmein watches films on the internet constantly, in a week she watches 2-3 films on the internet. If she likes the film that she watched on the internet , when the DVD comes out she tends to buy the DVD to watch it with her family. When Yasemin is free she goes shopping with her friends and her mother. She tenets to go to oxford streets with her friends and goes food shopping with her mother. She does not go out with her sister because they two do not get along really well.

Yasemin watches action, animation, comedy, drama, thriller and loves horror. Yasemin would be interested in our thriller film because she

loves films that have killing in. She likes when a female is the victim and the guy comes into her house and kills the girl. She likes violent films which are creepy and tensed in the same time. I think that Yasemin would put her self into the character ( the victim) and image her in the film, so she would enjoy the film really much.
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