Tuesday 27 April 2010

The editing: Evalaution

What we did when editing?
- Cross cut
- Match cut
- Parallel editing
- Cut in

What we used when editing the film to make it more tensed!
When editing we used parallel editing to Create tension, can show multiple points of view and can create dramatic irony when the characters are unaware of events unfolding away from the main action. We used cut-away to show the two characters coming together. Example the girl is in the bathroom getting ready to have a bath and then a cut to the killer breaking into the house. This type of shot builds tension. We used cut in to show the detail of the phone (who is calling). We used this because it build tension and can create a dramatic irony when the details being shown may not be apparent to the character. We used match cutting where the killer breaks into the house. We see the killer outside trying to break into the house and then there is a cut to the killer opening the door from inside the house.

When editing we put the clips together which fit together like the killer’s part was separate and the girls part separate so that we do not get them mixed up. After we had all the clips together to make the timing right we mixed them up together to have the girl in the bathroom and at the same time the killer coming into the house. After finishing editing we worked on our title sequence.

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