Thursday 29 April 2010


Question:- What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through the course of creating my practical coursework, I've used different forms of media. I've also used soft wares that i never used or heard of before to make the filming shots come to light. Final Cut Pro (FCP) along with Soundtrack Pro and Livetype were the soft wares that were introduce to me when my began the editing process of
our first preliminary task.

The experience of blogging was Very New to me, i had heard of blogging but i never actually posted work on an online journal. The idea of blogging what i learnt through the making of filming and class work was an creative and unique experience. I enjoyed it and i will definitely make Blog in the future.

One aspect from filming i will never forget is how to film in the dark successfully.
The key to filming at night-time is to have
every dark (black) background and have the object your filming well lit. During the course filming The Duo we learnt this technique and mastered it on last day of re-filming the scenes.

These are to scenes that we had the most trouble when filming The Duo.

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