Friday 30 April 2010


Question:- How does your media product represent particular social group?

Hannah is both Max's and Sheree's friend, they both thought of her when i was pitching the characters for The Duo. So when they asked her to star in our title sequence The Duo; Hannah agreed and was on hand at all times. She was Very ea
sy to work and helped with positioning of shots if needed; she was also very tolerant of us when we had to re-filming.

Hannah is of the Black ethnic race; so when we were looking for the right actors for The Duo. Hannah was chosen because she suited the part perfectly and we didn't take her colour of her skin into much consideration. To us it didn't matter at all, what matter the most was how well she listen to the director and performed well.

Although our title sequence doesn't depict on her ethnic background; We wanted The Duo to base on the cliche theme "Damsel In Distress." Hannah is a female so, we wanted to play on on her sex and use her as a key stereotype seen in most thrillers.

Here are Pictures of Hannah in different scenes in our title sequence The Duo

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