Tuesday 30 March 2010

The Rough Cut

A few days ago my group and I uploaded the rough cut for our title sequence. I was pleased with the way it looked and happy with the editing. However it did not have a soundtrack which is what we have been working on over the the days after finishing the rough cut and we now have a good soundtrack that goes perfectly with the whole title sequence.

When adding in the titles to the sequences I learned more about how to select the right type of style of fonts and animations to keep the flow of the overall feel of the film which is a thriller and I didn't want to loose that sense of suspense and fear so I went for a simple black background with white titles that flicker with black. This creates a gritty and dangerous feel and adds to the suspense.

Parallel Editing
In our title sequence we used parallel editing to create even more suspense and anticipation. It was a challenge to try and get each cut to work together just right but in the end we got it just the way we wanted and it worked well. In the soundtrack we can also hear two different and very distinctive sounds for both the man breaking into the house accompanied by threatening and bold music to emphasise the danger that is approaching and for the girl who is initially oblivious to the break-in we can hear a almost silent, soft and high pitched set of sounds that highlight how fragile she is compared to the man breaking in and how much danger she is in.

Filming at night
Because nearly half of our shots used were to be filmed outside at night we faced the problem of how to light the actors and scenes without losing the sense that it was at night. We had to often retake particular shots to get the angle of the lighting and camera just right to light the foreground but not the background so the audience still acknowledges that there is darkness all around although they can still clearly see the actor's face and the scene in front of them. I learned a lot about filming at night or scenes without light present such as when the girl is in the cupboard.

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