Monday 15 February 2010

the miss call....

Today we had done our second film practices do develop more skills before doing our final peace. I think that the film was well done but there were mistakes. The beginning of the film looks fine but after Clara takes her time taking to her self does not look professional. In stead of Clara taking to her self a friend could of come and said hello and have shot / reveres shot . After Clara getting her magazine back to read just then the phone should ring so it would not take long because it looks boring. When Clara looks at some thing on the magazine I think there should be a shot of what she is looking at because it would show what cried of character she is ( girlish). On the next shot when Clara is on the phone with her boyfriend , there could have been close-ups of her face to show how worried she is. I think in the phone shot it shows the table too long , the table is nothing so it should not be too long to shot just the table without the phone. I like the shot of Sheree coming into the class room because the camera pans her to the door. When sheree comes into the class room with Clara in the same shot, its really effective but again its too long, instead it could have had the same cried of shot but in a different angle inside the room may be. There is a mistake again with the speech because its not in time and there is works missing. The shot / reveres shot is good but the lighting is really poor because u can see Clara all with this light but sheree is in the dark and you can hardly see her face. What I think we should of done is have the lights all on in the class room because you can see outside the class room with all this light and then in the class room its all dark, it does not go together. I think there should have been more shots of the face , more shots of sheree’s face when Clara tells sheree about her boy friend being at the police station because its cried of a shock to sheree. I really like the ending but I think it has some thing that looks wrong, I think its because some of the shots go fast but some go slow, so the timing is not good at the end.

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